Ngày đăng: 19/08/2023 10:52 AM

                                                    STK ENG CO., LTD & SDGs

                       Take advantage of silent technology for a happy life and peaceful everyday.

In 2015, the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a common goal for the international community.

Aware of common issues of concern to the whole world, we always put the SDGs as the direction of our activities.

We focus on environmental issues and economic development. We create products on the principle of ensuring quality and minimizing negative impact on the environment.



Reasonable use of energy and raw materials so that products have reasonable prices


Expanding business activities to Southeast Asian countries, creating more jobs for workers.

Ensuring jobs for workers during the Covid-19 period.


We create quality product lines to prevent fire and explosion, reduce emissions into the environment and provide Green Solutions tailored to the needs of each customer.