Ngày đăng: 19/08/2023 10:44 AM
We are constantly doing ways to supply our clients the high-quality products and technical perfection solution in Safety operation and Environmental conditions. So, we always are continuous on activity of research and development, and we also test our equipment under extreme simulation conditions. This is to commit our best support to our clients in a wide range of specifications to meet their requirements and environmentally sustainable goals.



♦ STK Research and Development activity
Matters of client are also our matters, we always listen to our client and do our best to support for protection against matters in safety of operation and environment such as leakage, overpressure and vacuum matter, explosion, pressure lost, vapor lost and environmental protection solution. As professional experts, we are not only professional in what we have already done, but also in developing the new solutions to meet your demand. 
Our following test facilities: R&D Group, Mechanical workshop and electrical testing room.


Mechanical workshop, our automatic flow measuring system (BVTS).



♦ STK Experiment and Test activity

November 2014, Flash Reducing Experiment facility of flame arrester has been completed. The Asian first conforming to the ISO16852.  This is dedicated test for responsiveness Detonation/Deflagration.

To test, it is necessary to set up the same condition as the environment of piping where flame arrester installs. And need to calculate flaming speed to make artificially fire in the pipe.

This is detonation test facility to meet with exceeding sonic speed.

Our test system is supported with the necessary gases and equipment. In addition, our technical experts will conduct all explosion and fire test activity. It will bring value of our experience and expertise to clients. Our Flame Arrester, CFR series has tested and passed in accordance with ISO 16852 by Independent third-party approvals, IBExU Germany.



In the Valve characteristic research and analysis center, we work the best continuous efforts to make accumulation of data daily.



♦ STK Innovation activity



                     First official AI in Valve Industry.


Our unlimited commitment to support clients and continuously contribute new technology to support the targeted SDGs of the world.