
  • Ease of maintenance

There are no restrictions on installation location, so you can install it in a location that is easy to maintain.

  • Cost saving

Previously, when installing a gas seal unit in a tank, there were restrictions on installation conditions such as the length of the control piping being within 3m and the distance between the secondary side piping and the control piping being at least 0.5m.
Because of this condition, in most cases it had to be installed on the roof of the tank, adding to the piping costs.
In order to eliminate this burden, by installing this pressure control pipe on the secondary side piping of the gas seal unit, the control piping can be integrated into a unit, and the only connection to the tank is the secondary side piping.

  • No modification of tank required

It can be easily installed in existing tanks without any modification.

  • Security improvement

There is no need to climb onto the roof of the tank for maintenance or operation checks, and risks such as falls can be avoided.



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